The Text Editor

Geometer's text editor is fairly brain-dead, but it will only be used to edit the tiny Geometer files. It is a pretty standard cut-and-paste editor, but it lacks some nice features like using a double click to select a word, or shift-select to extend a selection.

There are a few speed keys (most of which are based on Emacs) for those of us who would prefer to avoid using the mouse, if possible. Here's a list of those speed keys:

KeystrokeResulting Command
Ctrl-a Cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl-b Cursor left one character
Ctrl-c Copy selection
Ctrl-d Delete character ahead of cursor
Ctrl-e Cursor to end of line
Ctrl-f Cursor right one character
Ctrl-f Find command
Ctrl-k Kill to end of line
Ctrl-n Cursor down a line (next line)
Ctrl-o Open up a line at the cursor
Ctrl-p Cursor up a line (previous line)
Ctrl-Q Quit (and don't save changes)
Ctrl-s Save file
Ctrl-u Kill to beginning of line
Ctrl-v Paste command
Ctrl-w Cut command (for Emacs users)
Ctrl-x Cut command
Ctrl-y Paste command (for Emacs users)

The arrow keys work in the obvious way, Home and End move to the beginning and end of the file, and the Backspace, Tab, and Delete keys work in the obvious way.